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Ian Johnstone, Under The Eagle's Nest
"Under The Eagle's Nest"
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On Thursday, May 29, 1986, the first Under The Eagle's Nest was published in the Gabriola Edition of the Nanaimo Times. It was about my encounter with a 'big-mouth clam'.

I debued the column in the August '91 edition of Island Fish Finder Magazine telling the tale of my first brush with the now infamous Codzilla. For a while the column appeared in both publications. Soon, however, I focused on the magazine. My last column with them was one I had tried to write each year since I had begun the column. Father's day. June 1995.

The articles featured on this page will appear in no chronological order. Some will be from either publication, some new and never published before.

...enough already... Here's this week's offering. Enjoy.

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"The Snit"

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     I woke up in a snit.

     A big snit. But then, that's the nature of snits, isn't it? They're always large

     Large and all encompassing. Overly large, actually, which gives them that characteristic quality of snits - being so difficult to get out of.

     See, the bigger a snit is, the more suction is created when you try to pull out of it.

     The only sure - and the least painful - way to get out of a snit is to have someone gently poke a hole in it, thereby letting all the hot air out of it. Deflating it.

     Now, if it fit snug, it wouldn't be a snit at all, it would be recognized as a pique. That's why they refer to it as "a fit of pique", right?

     Snits spread like a virus. Well, more like a fungus, actually.

     They'll wait 'till your defences are relaxed. Next thing you know, one has enveloped you entirely, without you ever being aware. (Sort of like the loaf of bread that was fine when you made toast at night, then next day it's suddenly covered with mold.)

     So, anyway, I woke up in a snit.

     I tried to think where I might have picked it up.

     Once you've been exposed to someone with a snit on, you're vulnerable for some time after, so it could have been almost anywhere.

     I'd been to the bar the night before. A particularly fertile breeding ground for snits.

     Perhaps my recent visits to friends with small children contributed.

     Then again, I also have friends who suffer from chronic snits.

     They seem to always have a snit on for one reason or another. Never seem to be without a new one ready to take over if the present one is deflated and falls away.

     Yes, I could have picked it up anywhere.

     I decided to try and ease out of it myself, so I finished my breakfast and climbed into the shower.

     Sometimes a long, hot shower will help relax a snit sufficient to slide it off.

     It worked. I smiled.

     The rest of the day would be a piece of cake.

     I dressed, strolled out to the driveway, climbed into my new vehicle, turned the key, did up my seatbelt, and drove off... in a huff.


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I'll be adding articles here from time to time, so please drop in now and then to see what's... gnu

Other "Under The Eagle's Nest" articles that have been seen on Ian Johnstone's WebSite

[Indicators] [Easter Bunny Interview] [The Snit] [Father's Day] [Ian Johnstone's Home Page]

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© Copyright Stuff ©
This page was created by me...    Ian Johnstone.
Last updated on January 24, 2006
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(Th-th-that's all, folks!)